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Published Sep 5 2023
Industriemeister in Mechatronics
By engaging in GDVT, companies receive qualified and motivated employees, who are adjusted to the specific requirements of the company. Not only does this contribute to increased productivity

Develop experts for your organisation through German Dual Vocational Training (GDVT) in Mechatronics!

A mechatronics technician is a technical all-rounder who is well prepared for the technical innovations of Industry 4.0. In their daily work, mechatronics technicians build complex mechanical, electrical and electronical components and mechatronic systems, e.g. robots for industrial production. By engaging in GDVT, companies receive qualified and motivated employees, who are adjusted to the specific requirements of the company. Not only does this contribute to increased productivity, it also helps to close the skills gap and supports competitiveness in the long term. GDVT combines 70% practical and 30% theoretical training, the program also aims to inspire young Malaysian graduates or existing workforce by offering both on-the-job training as well as employment or upskilling after the training. For more information visit our website:

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